Facts about the organic market
An increasing preoccupation with nutrition is ­reflected in the sales growth of organic foods. In 2017, the global market for organic products approached the USD 90 billion mark and is still growing.(1)
Facts about the organic market
  • Growth rates of organic acreage within one year (2016) in Asia were 23%, with China standing out at 41.5%; growth in North America was 5.8% and in Europe 6.7%.(2)
  • In Germany, the organic market share grew by almost 10% in 2016; in France it increased by as much as 20%. Countries such as Spain, Ireland and Sweden had already experienced the same growth a year earlier.(3)
  • Organic food sales in Switzerland rose by 8.1% from 2016 to 2017 and have now reached a total volume of CHF 2.7 billion.(4)
  • In Switzerland, it is mainly women who buy organic food.(5)
  • More organic food is bought in German-speaking Switzerland than in French and Italian-speaking Switzerland, for example.(5)
  • The higher the educational level, the more often organic products are purchased.(4)
  • Above a certain level, the consumption of organic products is no longer related to income. While there is a continuous increase in the middle income classes, organic consumption decreases again in the upper income classes.(5)
  • Age does not influence organic consumption.(5)
Written by Rebecca Näf


  • Willer, Helga and Julia Lernoud (Eds.) (2018): The world of Organic Agriculture. Statistics and Emerging Trends 2018. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick, and IFOAM – Organics International, Bonn.
  • BIO SUISSE Jahreskonferenz vom 12.4.2018.
  • 5) Hanna Stolz, Simon Blattert et al. Biobarometer Schweiz: Wovon die Kaufentscheidung für Biolebensmittel abhängt. Agrarforschung Schweiz 8 (2): 62-69, 2017